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Go Dutch @ Info Edge! |
Monday, September 29, 2008
In Pictures!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Its time for some patiala peg!
A nice comparison between OpenFire Vs Jabbered and eJabbered by him shows that when OpenFire implements XMPP to over 96% this is down at 30-40% in case of Jabbered and eJabber.
Next we have Kasa Shirish to compare Android SDK with iPhone SDK. Advatages of using an android SDK over an iPhone SDK is the freedom of use and the open source nature of android. Also the freedom of connectivity with external devices like USB drive in case of android make it a better choice. A nice demo of the Android SDK at least makes me a fan of android! :) Plus its OPEN SOURCE!
That was a good presentation... though stretching a little on time.. but worth each minute stretched...
The next presentation up would talk about MogileFS.. the distributed FS. Taken up by Aditya Seth and Sameer Garg. They talk about the need and use of a distributed file system
Lets get the code flowing... CodeJam....
(I know... might be a bad one... but thats how we are.... atleast the two of us blogging here...)
The code jam is up... and I see 2 good questions.... I thought all this while that it would be tough.... lets see how it shapes up!
With 15 minutes to solve them, here are the questions.....
Problem 1:
Given the Top-Right (x1,y1) and Bottom-Left (x2,y2) integer co-ordinates of two Rectangles parallel to the X-Y axes, Write a program to find the area of the rectangle formed by the intersection of the two given Rectangles.
- The co-ordinate system is such that x increases from left to right, and y increases from bottom to top.
- If the rectangles are non-intersecting, then the area is 0.
- If one rectangle is contained inside another, the area of intersection is the area of the smaller rectangle. Else If the two rectangles share a common edge and have no common area, then also the area (output of your program) is 0.
Input Definition:
- On the first line, x1 y1 x2 y2 for the first rectangle
- On the second line, x1 y1 x2 y2 for the second triangle
- A single value representing the area of the intersection of the given rectangles
Problem 2:
Given an NxM Grid (N rows and M columns) find the number of rectangles that are there on the grid. Assume the grid to be having a coordinate system with bottom-left corner as the origin (0,0). Write program to Output the coordinates of the left-top and right bottom vertices of each of the rectangles in a sequential order.
Input :-
value of N and M on the same line, in a file or on the console.
e.g. 8 8
Output :-
(x11, y11) (x12, y12) |--> top left and bottom right vertex of the first rectangle
(x21, y21) (x22, y22)
(xr1, yr1) (xr2, yr2) | where r is the no. of rows of output (total no. of rectangles).
e.g. for input 8 8 output would be:-
(0, 0) (1, 1)
(0, 0) (1, 2)
(0, 0) (1, 3)
(1, 1) (8, 8)
(M, N) (M+1, N+1) or (8, 8) (9, 9) | total 1296 rows of coordinates.
Breaking the wall - The First Hammer!
We had a break.... and we are back!
Wall Breaker is on and Vikas has flagged it off. His current concern being Boolean operations on Large datasets. He is currently looking at better ways to exclude documents or efficiently run a 'NOT' query.
With suggestions coming in from all directions he should be feeling better! :)
The session ends with no result, but with a better perspective perhaps! :)
The next speaker we have is Manish Gulati from shiksha. Talking about search efficacy he discusses about what is more important as a factor in case of search and search results.
Interesting thoughts I must say!
Software Design Concepts by 'the' Aditya
For everyone who's never met him, he's one of the best examples of the arguementative Indian.
Aditya unstoppably talks about Design, requirement representation (constraint identification and the likes),Componentization and Orthogonality.
Python Vs Java!
With a 'from the scratch' python tutorial he's been discussing various data types and reasons of using python instead of 'java' for the ease of use and flexibility.
Spammers Beware! - Amardeep is here
for web based applications and mail text. Also discusses about probabilistic analysis of spam classification.
First Deep Dive
Talking about crawlers and extraction using various analysis techniques
viz. Classification models, Concentration Ratio Analysis etc...
Well started... and nicely done!
Opening take
Hope it goes well!
In the spirit of Go-Dutch : TechWiki and Forum for TechE
All in the spirit of Go Dutch!
For details... Check your mails/contact Sameer...
Go Dutch! Schedule
26th September 2008
1500 - 1620 Hrs : Deep Dive
- 1500 - 1515 Hrs : Crawler & Extraction for Listing aggregation - Puneet Aggarwal & Vibhu Bhushan (Shiksha)
- 1515 - 1530 Hrs : Handling Spam Mails in Resdex - Amardeep Vishwakarma(Naukri)
- 1530 - 1600 Hrs : Python Programming - Prasanth Gopinath (Brijj)
- 1600 - 1620 Hrs : Software Design Methodology: Representation, Orthogonalization, Patternization - Aditya Chadha (Naukri)
1630 - 1700 Hrs : Wall Breaker
- 1630 - 1645 Hrs : Boolean Operations on large data sets - Vikas Bucha (Naukri)
- 1645 - 1700 Hrs : Search Efficacy - Manish Gulati (Shiksha)
1705 - 1730 Hrs : Code Jam
- 1705 - 1710 Hrs : Explanation of the questions and rules
- 1710 - 1730 Hrs : Coding
- 1730 - 1735 Hrs : XMPP Protocol - Pulkit Swaroop (Naukri)
- 1735 - 1740 Hrs : iPhone/Android SDK - Kasa Shirish(Shiksha)
- 1740 - 1745 Hrs : MogileFS - Aditya Seth & Sameer Garg (Naukri)
two hours to go....!!
But it seems most people are just busy doing their work, attending meetings, and attending more meetings.
Where is the excitement. Where are the enthu-people?? Or is it just the lull before the storm..!! Are you prepared for the Deep Dive?? Are you preparing for the Code Jam!!???
What does it take to bring out the best of technology, engineering and programming from among the infoEdgians. Who knows? Maybe a couple of brain-teasers or puzzles or solving problems or maybe a chunk of snack (& coffee)!!!
Come on guys (and the fortunate few gals!), let's warm up. let's make this an event to remember. Let's enjoy Going Dutch. :)
Going Dutch!!!
Jobseeker : ummm something like -- www.naukri.com, www.jeevansaathi.com, www.shiksha.com, www.brijj.com....
Technaukrat: (smiles)
Jobseeker : And what do they do when they are not working??
Technaukrat : They "GO DUTCH!! "
Welcome to the official blog of 'Go Dutch' - Share the Knowledge.
and in case you do not like the name, I (read that Vibhore Sir) have a Shakespeare quote for you : "What's in a name ? "
Catch all the action live from Ground Zero here. From 'Deep Dive' to breaking the wall. From Code jam to enjoying a strong patiala peg.
Stay connected...Stay Logged On!!!
Official Blogging Team
Go-Dutch - An Info Edge Tech Event